Sadie and Remi
Born 12/1/15
Price: $850-$1250
Sadie is a Miniature Aussie, weighing 32 lbs and 19 inches tall, and Remi is a silver standard poodle weighing 62 lbs and standing 22 inches. They had 8 wild colored puppies: 6 boys and 2 girls. I expect their puppies to all be full sized rather than miniature.
DEPOSITS: In order to reserve a puppy, we must receive a deposit of $500, which is applied towards the total purchase price. Order of choice in determining who gets to pick first is based on the order that deposits are received. In order to ensure the quickest response, most choose to place their deposits via Paypal. If you are not a Paypal user, there is a link to input credit card information. Also, Paypal offers "Bill Me Later", which can extend your payments for 6 months for qualified users. To use "Bill Me Later", apply through the Paypal website. There is a 3% Paypal fee. There is also a 4% state sales tax unless your puppy is flying, in which case the sales tax will be adjusted off.
1.) Melonie P. -Taking Boy #4
2.) David and Nancy L. in ND. - Taking Boy #5 3.) Chelsea in Canada-Taking Boy #1 4.) Claudia W. in IL.-Taking Boy #2 5.) David and family in ND - Taking Girl #2 6.) Mike G.-Taking Girl #1 7.) Joy and Dave-Boy #3 8.) Boy #6-Sold |
Boys #1, #2, #4, #5, #6 and both Girls are SOLD!
Boy #3-Another boy who has lots of nice merling with white/light highlights. Looks like he has a heart on his left side. Going to Joy and Dave.
Girl #1- SOLD! Going to Mike G.
Boy #1-SOLD to Chelsea! Joining his half sister Pixie, who is the model for the website banner!
Boy #2-is SOLD! Going to Claudia and family!
Boy #4-SOLD TO MELONIE! Joining Sand Lake Kennel's pups Delilah and Sampson!
Boy #5-going to Dave and Nancy L. in ND.
Boy #6-SOLD to Jessica S. in ND!
Girl #2-SOLD! Going to David and family in ND.
Meet Bentley, a full brother to these pups.